Minggu, 28 Februari 2010


The expression of “ Would you like....”is normally used for offering something to someone.

Ways to say it :

* Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr. Ardi?
* Should I get you a bottle of water?
* Could I offer you a glass of milk, Mr. Rio?
* Would you care some salad?

Ofering to friends:
* Want some?
* Have some?
* Chocolate?
* Grab some for yourself

Less formal expressions:

* Would you like to have a pancake?
* Why don't you have some lemonade?
* What can I get for you?
* What will you have?

Declining an offering :

* No, thanks.
* No, really won't, thanks
* Not for me, thanks.

Accepting an offering :

* Thank you.
* Yes, please
* I'd like it very much
* That would be very nice


I wonder if you remember….

v You remember….,don’t you?
v You haven’t,forgotten…,have you?
v Don’t you remember…?

Ways to respond :

v Let me think.Yes, I remember.
v I remember especially the scenery.
v I’ll never forget that.
v I’ll always remember.

Informal Expressions :

v Remember the old house we used to live in?
v Remember that?

Ways to respond :

v Hold on. Yes, got it!
v I know….

Response if you forget :

· Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten.
· I’m afraid I forget.
· I really can’t remember.
· I’m afraid I have no memory of him.
· Err. Let me think. No, it’s gone.
· Sorry, it slipped off my mind


Passive Voice
Passive voice is a grammatical voice in which the subject receives the subject receives the action of a transitive verb, and passive refers more generally to verb using this construction and the passages in which they are used.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voices note the following:
- The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
- The finite form of the verb is changed (to be + pas participate)
- The subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)

 Agent
In a passive clause, we usually we a phrase beginning with by if we want to mention the agent-the person or thing that does the action, or that causes what happens

Example :
My Mother makes sandwich every morning
Subject + V1+ S/es + O + C(adv. Of time)

Sandwich is made by my mother every morning
Subject + to be + V3 agent C(adv. Of time)

Present Continuous :
S + to be + being + V3 (past participle)

Present Perfect :
S + has/have + been + V3 (past participle)

Present Continuous :
Active : A young boy is catching a butterfly
Passive : A butter fly is being caught by a young boy


Prepositions : In, On, and At (with specific times and places)

The prepositions in, on, and at can be used to indicate time and place. Notice how they are used in the following situations:


Year, Month,
In 1999, In December

Country, State, City
In Japan, In Utah, InTaipei

Day, Date
On Saturday, On May 1
On Main Street, On 1st Ave.


At 8:00, At 7:30

At 815 East Main Street

In many languages, there is only one preposition for the above situations. In English there are three. Just remember that in usually indicates the “largest” time or place, and at usually indicates the “smallest” time or place.


A: Where’s your office?

B: In Taipei, Taiwan.

A: Really? What part of Taipei?

B: It’s on Chung Shan North Road.

A: I know that area. Where exactly is it?

B: It’s at 105 Chung Shan North Road, next to the bookstore.

C: When is the wedding?

D: It’s in June.

C: What day?

D: It’s on Saturday, the 25th.

C: What time?

D: It starts at 6:00.

Prepositions with articles and locations

When talking about locations, use at to indicate the general vicinity or area, and in to indicate inside the building, enclosed area, etc. For example:

at the swimming pool (on site)

in the swimming pool (in the
pool itself i.e. in the water)

at the post office/bank (general)

in the post office/bank (inside the building)

at the zoo (visitors—general area)

in the zoo (animals in their cages)

at school

in the classroom

Sample sentences:

I met my wife at the theater. (while watching a movie)

I spilled my drink in the theater (on the floor of the building)

She works at the library on Wednesdays.

She found a rare coin in the library (building).

Dr. Jones works at the hospital every day.

John was in the hospital for a week with a broken leg.

For school, prison, and church, the is used to indicate the building. No article indicates the general situation. Note the following:



in school (studying, listening to teacher, etc.)

in the school (building)

in jail/prison (staying there as a criminal)

in the jail/prison (temporary)

in church (praying, listening to a sermon, etc.)

in the church (building)

Where’s Dad?

in church (attending services)

in the church (fixing the windows)

at church

at the church

in prison (He committed a crime.)

at the prison (visiting his friend)

Related Grammar Topics

* Adverbs and Prepositions
* Preposition Collocations with Be
* Prepositions
* Prepositions and Subordinators
* Prepositions and Time Words
* Prepositions of Location
* Verb and Preposition Collocations

Grammar Exercises

More Grammar Topics

* Grammar Index

I'd like some clarification of the usage of preposition 'to' and article 'the' in the following sentences.

1. Mother goes to the market.
2. Mother goes to market.

Which sentence is correct, the first or the second one? And if the first sentence is correct, why do we say, "She goes to church" or "She attends school" and not "She goes to the church" and "She attends the school"

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

introductory it

A To understand this lesson is easy.

B It is easy to understand this lesson.

In this pattern, it has no meaning. It is used only to fill the subject position in the sentence. Thus, it is called introductory “it”.

A and B mean the same thing, but sentence B is more common and useful than A. A was introduce mainly to make the meaning of C easier to understand.

Introductory “it” can fill the position both of the subject and object.

Introductory “it” as a subject:

To watch musical programs is pleasant.

It is pleasant to watch musical program.

To play football must be fun.
It is fun to play football.
finite verbs

A finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.

Every grammatically correct sentence or clause must contain a finite verb; sentence fragments not containing finite verbs are described as phrases.

Some interjections can play the same role. Even in English, a sentence like Thanks for your help! has an interjection where it could have a subject and a finite verb form (compare I appreciate your help!).

In English, as in most related languages, only verbs in certain moods are finite. These include:

* the indicative mood (expressing a state of affairs); e.g., "The bulldozer demolished the restaurant," "The leaves were yellow and stiff."
* the imperative mood (giving a command).
* the subjunctive mood (expressing something that might or might not be the state of affairs, depending on some other part of the sentence); nearly extinct in English.

A verb is a word that expresses an occurrence, act, or mode of being. Finite verbs, sometimes called main verbs, are limited by time (see tense), person, and number.

The finite verbs are highlighted in the following sentences:

The bear caught a salmon in the stream.

Who ate the pie?


A nonfinite verb form - such as a participle, infinitive, or gerund - is not limited by by time (see tense), person, and number.

Verb forms that are not finite include:

* the infinitive
* participles (e.g., "The broken window...", "The wheezing gentleman...")
* gerunds and gerundives

In linguistics, a non-finite verb (or a verbal) is a verb form that is not limited by a subject; and more generally, it is not fully inflected by categories that are marked inflectionally in language, such as tense, aspect, mood, number, gender, and person. As a result, a non-finite verb cannot generally serve as the main verb in an independent clause; rather, it heads a non-finite clause.

By some accounts, a non-finite verb acts simultaneously as a verb and as another part of speech; it can take adverbs and certain kinds of verb arguments, producing a verbal phrase (i.e., non-finite clause), and this phrase then plays a different role — usually noun, adjective, or adverb — in a greater clause. This is the reason for the term verbal; non-finite verbs have traditionally been classified as verbal nouns, verbal adjectives, or verbal adverbs.

English has three kinds of verbals: participles, which function as adjectives; gerunds, which function as nouns; and infinitives, which have noun-like, adjective-like, and adverb-like functions. Each of these is also used in various common constructs; for example, the past participle is used in forming the perfect aspect (to have done).

Other kinds of verbals, such as supines and gerundives, exist in other languages.


The finite verbs are the underlined words.

The Crow and the Fox

One day a crow finds a tasty piece of cheese. She picks it up, flaps her wings, and flies to a high branch of a tree to eat it.

Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

my primbon

Simple:Present Tense

~Present tense is simple form which used to express situation going into effet in this time.Sike Rabbit,everyday fack or natural phenomenon.


-Using Simple Present Tense in positive,negative,and interrogative sentences.

-Using Simple Present Tense in verbal and non verbal sentences.

-Using Simple Present Tense in making recipes or procedures

~The Simple Present is used:

To express habbits,general truths,repeitted action or Unchangings Situations,emotions and wisher:

He smart[habbit];I work in Paris[Unchanging situation];Asia continent is the largest continent in the world[general truth]

~Example:General truth

Sunset always in west

Indonesia has two seasons

Some gires like pink colour

~Verbal Sentence Affirmative form S+ Vone [-s/-es]+object

Example:They have bums the trash.

~Negative form S+do/does+not+Vone+object?

Example:-he doesn’t leave classroom.

We don’t know about the back.

~Interrogative form do/does+S+Vone+object?

Example:Does she forget about her homework?

-Yes,she does

-No,she doesn’t

:Do I feed my pet?

-Yes,I do

-No,I don’t

Adverb of time:

-Always -Often -Sometimes

-Never -Seldom

-Every -Usually

~Formula for present tense is


Example:He is a Superman

:She is a Wonderwoman


Example:-I am a Policeman

-Hariza [he] is clever

Kalimat[menggunakan kata kerja]

Example:[+]I usually wake up at five in the morning.

[-]They don’t loke coffe

[?]Do you study english at School?

Simple:Past Tense

~Simple past tense used to showing phenomenonwhich mention Intelligibly.

Adveb of time:

-Yesterday -Long ago

-Last week/month/year -This moring

-Year ago


-They wrote the letter Yesterday

-She didn’t went to work a week ago

-Did you called her last night?

Yes,I did


Verbal form[To Do]


Example:-I am ate breads yesterday

-They are Ran in field last weak.

~Regular Verb[kata kerja beraturan]

Kata kerja ini di buat dengan cara menambahkan D/Ed pada Verb[VerbOne+D/Ed]

~Bentuk Nominal[ToBe]



>Kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf ``e’’hanya ditambah ``d’’

Example:Love-Loved Like-Liked

>Kata kerja yang terdiri dari satu suku kata dengan pola KVK[Konsonan Vokal Konsonan]dimana vokal tersebut dibaca pendek ,konsonan terakhir ditulis rangkap kemudian ditambah``ed’’

Example:Trap-Trapped Clap-Clapped

>Kata kerja yang terdiri dari dua suku kata dimana suku kata kedua berpola KVK yang dibaca dengan tekanan,Konsonan terakhir ditulis rangkap kemudian ditambah``ed’’

Example:Submit-Submitted Transfer-Transferred

>Kata kerja yang terdiri dari dua suku kata yang berakhiran dengan huruf ``I’’,maka huruf ``I’’ ditulis rangkap kemudian ditambah dengan ``ed’’.

Example:Cancel-Cancelled Travel-Travelled

~Namun,apabila suku kata terakhir dibaca panjang maka hanya perlu ditambah dengan ``ed’’,huruf ``L’’ tidak perlu ditulis rangkap.

Example:Reveal-Revealed Conceal-Concealed

>Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan ``y’’ yang didahului dengan konsonan,maka huruf ``y’’ diubah menjadi ``I’’ kemudian ditambah dengan ``ed’’

Example:Study-Studied Carry-Carried

~Irregular Verbs[kata kerja tak beraturan]

Kata kerja tidak beraturan harus dikuasai dengan cara melihat kamus/daftar kata kerja tak beraturan .























Pada kalimat negatif dan kalimat interrogatif.Verbtwo ini tidak dipakai lagi dan menggunakan kata kerja bantu[AWX verb] yaitu DID dan kata kerja–kata kerja bentuk pertama yaitu Verbone jadi Verbone hanya dipakai pada kalimat Positif.

Example:[+] I wrute a letter yesterday

[-] I didn’t write a letter yesterday

[?] Did I write a letter yesterday?

Yes,I did

No,I didn’t

Past Perfect Tense

Formula of past perfect tense

~Bentuk Nominal [ToBe]


~Kalimat Verbal



~Digunakan sebagai ekuivalen present perfect tense dalam bentuk lampau’

Present perfect tense

I am not hungry.I have just had lunch

Past perfect tense

That time, I was not hungry. I had just had linch

~Digunakan untuk menggantikan simple past tense apabila digunakan untuk mengacu/menunjukan peristiwa/perbuatan pada masa lampau yang rejadi dalam jangka waktu tertentu.

Example:When he was young,He had been a businessman and He liked talking about those days.

~Digunakan sebagai anak kalimat[Subclause] dalam kalimat pengandaian [conditional sentence] tipe tiga,sedangkan induk kalimat [main clause] berada dalam bentuk present future perfect tense.

She would have sent the goods if he paid the bilt.

~Digunakan untuk menggantikan kalimat langsung [direct speech] dalam bentuk Present perfect tense dan Simple past tense menjadi kalimat tidak langsung [indirect speech]

Direct speech:

He told me,I have written the contacs.

Indirect speech:

He told me that he had written the contracts

Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense is used for describling a past actions effect on the present.This holds true for events that have just been secende as well as for events that have not yet occurred


* Present perfect is formad by combining have/has with the main Verbfive past participle form:

=>He has arrived

* A negatif is produced by inserting not after have/has:

=>You haven’t arrived

* Question in present perfect are formulated by starting a stence with have/has:

Have you arrived?

Giving Instruction

Giving intruction is an expression that is used order that other person does what we instruct or request.

The example expression of giving instruction:

Close your book[tanda seru]

Please,don’t touch me[tanda seru]

Hit me[tanda seru]

Read the book for me,please[tanda seru]

After watching TV,please turn of[tanda seru]

Open the garage,please[tanda seru]

Note:Tenses which used to giving instruction is``Simple Present Tense”

Recount Text

Recount text is used to retell event for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

The recoun text begins with:




+If you retell a story or some events,use simple past tense

+When someone rells you a story or some events,give your response.Show your attention by saying:right…,I see…,uh-huh…

This text is a recount text.Its focus is on a sequance of event.

A recoun begins with an Orientation.It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was invalved,where it happened,and when it happened.Then,the recount unfolds with a series of events[ordered in a cronological sequence].At various stages,there may be some personal comment on the incident.we call it re-orientation.

Contoh Teks Recount:

Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic
First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the buses, everyone was chatting and eating. When we arrived at the park, some students played cricket, some played cards but others went for a walk with the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at two o'clock we left for school.
We had a great day.


Announcement is something said,written,or printed to make known what has happened or what will happen.

In writing an announcement,keep the following paint:

-the title/type of event



-contact person

We can find the announcement on television,radio,newspaper,billboard,megazine,etc.

Happines expression

Happines expression is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelings.

Example of happines expression:

-I am happy

-I am very pleased




Procedure text

Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is archieved through a sequence of action or step.its explain how people perform different processes in a sequence of step.this text used simole present tense,often imperative sentence.it also uses temporal conjunction such as first,second,then,next finally,etc.

The generic structure of procedure text are:

-goal/aim or title




How to make kite

Butcher cord
Scotch tape or glue
1 Sheet of strong paper
2 Strong, straight wooden sticks of bamboo
Markers, paint or crayons

After the materials have been prepared, the directions bellow is easy instruction on how to make a kite:
1. Make a cross with the two sticks, with the shorter stick placed horizontally across the longer stick.
2. Tie the two sticks together with the string in such a way as to make sure that they are at right angles to each other.
3. Cut a notch at each end of the sticks. Make it deep enough for the type of string you are using to fit in to. Cut a piece of string long enough to stretch all around the kite frame.
4. Lay the sail material flat and place the stick frame face down on top. Cut around it, leaving about 2-3cm for a margin. Fold these edges over and glue it down so that the material is tight.
5. Make a tail by tying a small ribbon roughly every 10cm along the length of string.
6. Decorate your kite with the markers!


Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do somethings.

To invite someone:

-I would like you to…….

-we would be pleased if you could….

-shall we….?

-how about…?

To accept an invitation:

-thank you.yes,I would like to…..

-yes I would.thanks

-that would be very nice.thank you

-all right


To refuse/decline an invitation:

-I would love to,but….

-yes that’s nice.however….

-that’s very kind of you,but…..

-sorry,that’s wouldn’t be possible.thank you anyway.

Sympaty expression

If you retell sympaty expression you must express your sympathy when you know that other have experienced something bad/terrible.

What would tou say to express sympathy

-I am sorry to hear that .

-I am awfully sorry about ….

-how terrible for you


-you must be very upset

-oh what a shame

Gaining attention

Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to want to.


-attention please

-can I have your attention,please?

-excuse me

-look here

-Listen to me,please



One].How do you greet other people?

-Good -Morning




-How -Are you

-Are you getting along?

-Are you doing?

Two].How do you answer the greetings?

Ex:A:How are you today?

B:I am fine thank,and you?

A:I am fine

Three].How do you introduce your self?

-Hello friend,My name is Hariza Wicaksono

-Okay,let me introduce my self,my name is Riza

-Hi,I am Hairul Dharma Widagdo you can call me Dagdo

Four].How do you introduce your people?

Ex:Excuse me,can I introduce my friend.

His name is Raymon

Five].How do you close or end your conversation?

-Well -I should be going now,See you later

-I must be off now.I will talk to you later



Advertising is a comunication whose purpuse is to inform potential costumer about product and services and how to obtain and use them.Many advertisiment are also designed to generate increased consumtin of those product and services throught the creation and the rainforcement of brand image and brand royalty.for these purposes advertisment often contain both factual information and persuasive massages.every major medium is used to deliver this massages,including:television,radio,movies,megazines,newspaper,video game,internet,bilboard,and etc.advertisment is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of company.

-in short advertisment is information for persuading and motivating people so that it will attract them to the service and the thing that are offerder or informed.


Function :-promotion



C.in making an advertisment keep the followings points

-lenguage of advertisment :

+using the suitable words

+using the intersesting and sugestive expression

+using positive expression.

+text of advertisment should be directed to the goals.

-content of advertisment :


+brief and clear

+not allude group or other producer

D.advertisment have two meaning :

.advertisment is acomercial colicitation,designed to sell some comodity,service or familiar.

.advertisment is a public notice.



An autobiografy is a book about life of person,writen by that person.

B.version of auto biografy


-as critiques of totally tarianism

-sensationalist and and celebrity autobiograpies

-fake autopbiograpies

-fictional autobiograpies

Analyze character

To obtain a well-rounded concept of character personality,analyze both his internal and external qualities.

A.Intenal Aspect


Two.Metal Characteristic

Three.Spritiual/moral qualities

Four.Emotional character

B.External Aspect


Two.Movement and Gesture


Four.Motivating Desires

Listening:Make me a copy


It is the purpose of this lesson to help student understand the need to be articulate and precise when explain steps to another student.


Student will understand to need to be articulate when comunicating.


Satu.The studentwill use desctriptive explication to guide another student in compieting the task

Dua.The student will explain to importance of being articulate and the fiustration when direction are unclear

Background information:

This activity wiel reach student to explain what they see and guide another student in reproducing the drawing by what they are told.


Satu.Explain and articulate the steps to reproducing a drawing.

Two.Follow direction as closely as possible

Three.Communicate with follow student to accomplish the given task.


-Paper,Crayon,Overhead Projector or large visual.


Speaking Clearly With Confidance

Having to speak in front of a group scares most people[and believe me,I know].It might he a wedding,a classroom,a reading in church or even reading a story to a group of children.

Publik speaking covers a huge range of events.

+A businnesman giving a businnes presentation

+A first aider demonstrating first aid skills

+A spons coach giving a group session

+The best man or maid of honor speaking at a wedding reception

+A teacher standing in front of a class of children.

On the following pages you will find out:

+How to talk so thou you can be heard-anywhere

+How to appear confident even if you are nerveous

+How to enjoy yourself really

Present Future Tense


Used untuk menyarakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan terjadi atau akan dilakukan pada waktu tertentu pada masa yang akan datang.


+Bentuk nominal [tobe]


I/We +Shall+Be+complement

+bentuk verbal[todo]


I/We +shall+verbone+O/adverb


a.using will


-Our uncle will visit us next Sunday

-They will come there if you invite them

-If you come late,we will go there without you.


-She won’t go there without him

-We won’t meet him again


-Will you come to my house to night?

-Will you please post the letter for me?

-Will you have some more coffe

b.Using shall


-You shall do as I told you

-Shall we hwlp you plant those flowers?

